Thursday, May 8, 2014

First Quarter 2014

My 2014 has been full of surprises and up and downs. I have changed, grown, evolved as i celebrated my birthday in March. I have lost friends and made new ones. I have lost staff i hold dear and got new staff too. My greatest move was relocating back to Nairobi from Kampala. I would say its something i wanted but i had great love for Kampala, 2 months down the line and i already miss the culture and above all the food ;-). In this quarter, i have learnt change is good, its inevitable. Nothings is written on stone and i have learnt to live a day at a time. I have also seen Gods grace in every step i have made, He has been faithful and meet my needs according to his riches in heaven. I have learnt to be humble, to be grateful for what i have, to thank God at all times because my life belongs to Him. Am just great full!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Everything happens for a greater good.

When you finish school and get a good job, you start establishing yourself. You invest on expensive things and mostly move from one step to another. Before the job it was all right to eat fries at 60ksh, it was alright to take a matatu home, it was all right to use a phone worth 2,000ksh . It was all right then cause it was within you means. When you get that job, things start changing. You want better things which are a abit expensive. You might not get them immediately but you save every inch of your income to get it and ALAS, you finally do. When you get it, you protect it with all of you might. You get attached to it. You would dare give it out for free unless otherwise. It became's part of the thing you value most. Until, you loose it specially STOLEN from you. That's just the worse experience ever. It tears you apart and you actually moan for it. It so painful specially after looking back at how you saved and invested almost all your savings in it. Well, i have experienced it. People don't understand your pain or you loose. They always see or say "you will get another one". At that point, you do not comprehend that statement until you start the healing proses. Yes its a proses. It starts by accepting it happened and nothing you do can bring it back. It takes time. Slowly you start getting over it and you became positive about the situation by looking at the bright side of it. As a christian, i believe when the Bible tells me, whatever is stolen from you shall be restored 7 times more. You move on with life and most probably, you will end up getting a better version of what you had. Am still waiting for my better version to come.:-)

Monday, September 9, 2013

The mystery of life

That point in your life where everything is perfect. Happy Family, good health and an easy job. At a blink of an eye, something happens and it changes everything about one self. It makes you see life from a different perspective. You realize life is short and you start enjoying every minute. Everything that dint have meaning is now meaningful, things u dint like doing, now you really want to do them, places you dint like to go, now want to go. That's the mystery of life. You don't know what tomorrow holds but everyday life unfold something new, sometimes positives or negative. It a learning experience though some situations take a toil on us and we feel like giving up n just let it be. We let the situations define us and it becomes part of us. The moment you realize that nothing is permanent, it JUST a situation, a passing cloud, a mere season you deal with it. You handle it no matter how hard it is, you don't let it define you, you rise above it. One step at a time until you restore yourself, you personal peace, you smile and inner joy. If its permanent, you learn how to live with it by controlling it but not letting it control you. As times goes by, life become better and you unfold the mystery of it.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Whats your take?

They say fashion is the state of mind! Everyone has their unique preference and laxity when it comes to what to wear or buy. Its all in the mind.....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I must admit am blown away by the state of fashion in Kampala. The heart bit city of Uganda main businesses are clothes/shoes and handbags boutique. Talk of Aladin pants , skinny jeans, handbags, shoes, name it. If you are looking for somewhere to shop for quality, classy, elegant and affordable price..Kampala is the place to be! Have a look at some of the handbags i came across.....